Vessel monitoring


Vessel monitoring - Custom Consulting

The vessel monitoring service involves monitoring the vessel until the owner is able to personally check the condition of the vessel.

Whether you own a boat located in one of the marinas or your boat is moored in another port, you've certainly been in the position of not being able to personally check whether your vessel is moored securely and properly protected when a storm has been forecast. Or a storm has hit the area where your boat is moored, and all you can do is watch reports of the damage that the storm has caused, wondering if your boat is among the vessels affected.

Now you can rest assured that we will check your vessel for you, take preventative measures, but also repair any damage if necessary. We will also compile a record of all the steps undertaken and notify you of the outcome

As all new boat owners know all too well, becoming a boat owner comes with many restless nights. This is understandable since keeping up a vessel is a constant effort, and a responsible owner will take whatever it takes to keep their beloved boat ready for the next sailing trip.

The vessel monitoring service includes the following:

  • periodic and unforeseen inspection of the condition of the vessel with pictures
  • starting of engine
  • complete inspection of all boat systems or systems covered by the contract